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  2. Web Safety Quiz

  3. 1. If you see a pop-up, what do you do?
  4. 2. If you see a website asking for personal information, what do you do?
  5. 3. If someone online wants to meet you in real life, what should you do?
  6. 4. Should you share your user name and password?
  7. 5. You really want to download something. What do you do?
  8. 6. Should you show someone an image of you on the web?
  9. 7. Random math. What is 198347018937+01982319734?
  10. 8. Should you visit an untrustworthy website?
  11. 9. Should you open a random email you get from a random person?
  12. 10. Think you have a hundred? Well think again! Lottery question! This question is based on luck. Go ahead!
  13. using only for sending the results
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