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Best Practices for Dialysis Staff: "Preventing Blood Stream Infection in the Outpatient Hemodialysis Patient"
When is it necessary to wash your hands with soap and water?
After applying clean gloves
When hands are visibly soiled
When hands are not visibly soiled with blood or body fluids
After applying alcohol-based hand sanitizer if hands are not visibly soiled
What can dialysis staff do to reduce the risk of being infected with a blood borne pathogen?
Proper hand washing
Universal precautions
Proper sharps disposal
All of the above
The second most common cause of death from kidney failure is infection?
The presence of reddness and swelling at the patient access site is important because:
Temperature of 100 degrees F is normal for a dialysis patient
It is normal for the patient to have a little swelling and reddness
It could be a sign of infection
None of the above
The patient and caregiver must wear a facemask with a dialysis catheter when initiating and terminating a treatment and when the dressing change is performed?
When is a single most effective way to prevent the spread of infections?
Practice aseptic technique
Wear proper PPE (personal protective equipment)
Hand washing
Disinfect surfaces with bleach
What can dialysis staff do to reduce the risk of being infected with a blood borne pathogen?
Proper hand hygiene
Universal precautions
Proper sharps disposal
All of the above
Always wash your hands:
Upon entering the facility
Prior to gloving after contamination with blood or other body fluids
When they are visibly dirty
All of the above
When should you remove your gloves and put on new gloves?
After contacting a potentially contaminated site before moving to a clean site
After contact with blood and body fluids
After completing tasks at one patient station before moving to another station
All of the above
PPE includes all of the following EXCEPT:
Face shield
Shoe protectors
De-cannulation techniques include all of the following EXCEPT:
The patient applies a glove prior to holding pressure on the access site
Activate needle retraction device and dispose of needles in a proper sharps container
Apply clean gauze and bandage to the access site
None of the above
The following steps are intended to be used when ther is no visible blood at the dialysis station:
While wearing a gown and clean gloves apply a disinfectant to all surfaces in the dialysis station using a firm wiping motion
Make sure that surfaces of the station are visibly wet with disinfectant
Disinfect all surfaces of the emptied priming bucket and let all surfaces air dry naturally, remove gloves, and hand hygiene
All of the above
There are many times when it is necessary to perform hand hygiene EXCEPT:
Only after providing care for a patient
Before drawing, injecting, and infusing medication or solution
Before cannulation of a fistula or graft or accessing a catheter
After you touch blood, body fluids, mucous membranes, used materials such as dressings, or spent dialysate
Contaminated objects include all of the following:
Trash cans
Medical equipment
All of the above
Cleaning and Disinfecting the Dialysis Station includes:
Chair - fully reclline to reach all surfaces and sides, visually inspect and clean again if necessary
Machine - particular attention to cleaning the control panel and other frequently touched surfaces
Remote controllers, TV, BP cuff, and other items that may have been touched by the patient
All of the above
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